Summer is upon us! -- so in a spirit of sun and fun I send along these two rhymes I wrote long ago:
Swing Song
(written in response to a friend's lament that there are no songs to
sing to kids while they are on the swingset)
Up and down, swing a song
Down and up, sing along
Swing a rhyme, keepin' time
I'm a flyer, push me higher
Not so rough, that's enough
Up and down, swing a song
Swing a rhyme, keepin' time
Down and up, sing along
I'm a flyer, push me higher
Don't stop till I'm over the top
Rockabye Baby for Paranoid Parents
Rock a bye baby
Falling asleep
When the wind blows
A sensor will beep
When the bough breaks
The airbag will fill
And down will fall baby
Safe from the spill
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Associate Dean of Religious Life, University of Southern California