Obviously, American democracy is in enormous danger in 2024, as demonstrated in both the words and the behavior of Donald Trump and his followers and enablers. Now – not later - is the time for each of us to do our parts in preventing him from being elected to the presidency.
Instead of fretting, we can take action right away.
Here are four very do-able, simple things you can take on right now – and I hope you’ll urge your friends to do the same.
2. Start waving the US flag. Put one in front of your house, put a flag sticker on your car bumper, etc. Do it now. I get it that a lot of you will find this very hard. A lot of folks will assume you’re a Republican because you wave the flag. But that’s the point! Later, when campaign season gets fully into play, put up a BIDEN sign under your flag. And/or signs for other Democratic candidates. Surprise! Again, this sets up powerful cognitive dissonance in the minds of Trumpers – whose most cherished assumption is that progressives are not patriots. But, in fact, YOU are the patriot! Out-flag the Trumpers. If you wave the flag, as a progressive, you give other flag-waving folks implicit permission to change their minds without giving up their patriotism. Remember that many if not most people who support Trump and Trumpism are disinterested in public policy issues. It’s all about identity, culture, emotions, and grievances. By waving the flag, you bridge the culture gap and make it easier for them to move in the progressive direction. The more of us who reclaim the flag, the more powerful it will be for our cause!
3. Wave your Christian identity, online and in person! Make it clear that the way you vote has everything to do with your commitment to following Jesus’ way of compassion and justice. Again, this sets up powerful cognitive dissonance in the minds of those who are convinced that crude and cruel political positions are somehow rooted in their Christianity. It gives them cover to keep their Christian identity while changing course about politics.
4. Every vote counts, every voice counts, in saving democracy. A vote for anybody but Biden is a vote for Trump. And refusing to vote at all is a vote for Trump. Period. That’s just the way it is, whether we like it or not. Had Ralph Nader not run as a third-party candidate in 2000, Al Gore would have won in Florida and become the president. So have gentle but firm chats with your progressive friends who are mad at Biden about Gaza, etc, etc. They’re right to be unhappy with the way he’s dealing with that conflict. (They ought much more to fear what Trump would do instead.) They were already mad at Biden for not being progressive enough about other issues. Let them know you care about these issues, too. And engage with them about the fact that making things right in the Middle East, dealing decisively with climate change, and addressing ongoing racism, all depend on the survival of democracy in America. And that, whether we like it or not, today our system of government leaves us with only two choices.Biden, with all his warts, or Trump, who will dismantle democracy and take us backward on all the causes that matter to us. And that in order for Biden to win, we must support him with vigor, even if some of us have to pinch our noses. Everything that matters depends on backing him. This is not a time to demand the perfect. We’ve all got to act like grown-ups. It is a time to save America from tyranny, so that it will be possible, over time, to make peace, do justice, and protect the planet.
A special note to religious leaders: this is not the year to be timid about preaching politics from the pulpit. It can be done with sensitivity and respect for everyone, but it must be done. Not speaking out is taking a stand. As folks who respect the law, we get shy about possible violations of IRS rules about endorsing candidates from the pulpit. (Read this for helpful background on the regulations.) Meanwhile, thousands of evangelical pastors have zero respect for the law. They are blatantly violating the IRS rules and openly are endorsing candidates by name in churches, and are not facing any consequences. They've successfully intimidated the IRS from taking action. That doesn't take us off the hook, or make it right for us to do what they're doing. But since the IRS is failing to enforce its code, we can move very close to the edge of the law and the likelihood of any consequences are virtually nil. Without naming names, we can speak out clearly about the issues at play in the election, and take stands that have obvious implications. An example would be for a preacher to say that denying the results of a free and fair election is an assault on the foundation of democracy and should be a disqualification from holding public office. That's a generic policy position, not focused on a particular candidate, but clearly applies to a particular candidate for the presidency. (For a "guidebook" on progressive Christian political rhetoric in and out of the pulpit, see my book: "Deeper Love".) If you want coaching about how to speak out without running afoul of the law, and without unnecessarily alienating people in your congregations, talk to me!
Beyond these actions, there are of course many more ways you can join the mobilization to save democracy with your time and money. You’ll get plenty of invitations to do so. But let’s start now with these. Instead of doom-scrolling on your smart phone, instead of wringing your hands and panicking, take action now! It’s the cure for despair….