Words: Jim Burklo
tune: Christ the Lord is Risen Today – Easter Hymn
Use freely, with attribution
At the dawn new life surprises, Allelujia
From the darkness light arises, Allelujia
See the stone is rolled away, Allelujia
On this resurrection day, Allelujia
Over death God’s love prevails, Allelujia
Over all of our travails, Allelujia
By no cross is it restrained, Allelujia
By no grave is it contained, Allelujia
Reap in joy what’s sown with tears, Allelujia
Courage springs from all our fears, Allelujia
Stand in wonder at the sight, Allelujia
Sunrise overtakes the night, Allelujia
Buried till its second birth, Allelujia
Hope emerges from the earth, Allelujia
In morning light our voices raise, Allelujia
Singing out with joyful praise, Allelujia