By: Fred Plumer
There are a growing number of dedicated
thinkers and spiritual leaders who are writing, speaking and teaching of a new
world view and new ways to interpret the Christian story in it. Dynamic
theologies and renewed Christologies are springing up often stimulated by our
scientific and philosophical thinkers, with a few theological revolutionaries
thrown into the mix.
These creative people are talking, writing
and teaching about a major shift of consciousness. In the words of Michael
Dowd, “It is a shift from seeing ourselves as separate beings, placed on
Earth,(the world was made for us,) to seeing ourselves as a self-reflexive
expressions of Earth, (we were made for the world)…it is a major shift in our
understanding of who we are and what we are. It is a shift at the deepest
possible level: our identity or sense of self.”
Somehow these folks have been able to find
the words and concepts to describe and define this shift, something that many
people, particularly young adults, have been feeling for some time but have
been unable to find the words or even a point of reference to express it.
People like Brian Swimme, David Suzuki and
Diarmuld O’Murchu are helping us create a whole new world view…actually a whole
new universe view. People like Lloyd Geering, Bruce Sanquin, the late Thomas
Berry, and Michael Dowd, among others, are helping us retell the Christian
story with a freshness and in a contemporary and compelling way. People like
Cynthia Bourgeault, Jacob
Needleman, Jim Marion, Greta Vosper are helping us rediscover ways to live it. And people like Ken Wilbur and others are
giving us ways to organize in our pluralistic world and the expanding pluralism
in our Christian traditions.
I have had the opportunity to work with
many of these gifted folks over the last couple of years and find their
enthusiasm, their creativity, their depth and breadth of information more than
impressive. Their openness, their positive outlook and faith is outright
contagious. If people sitting in the
pews could catch some of this, I believe our churches would be overflowing.
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